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The Bruin Benchmark

Complexity: Five Perspectives on Unravelling the Future of Work
How do you stay on top of a changing world?

It’s a question we all grapple with daily: How do you stay on top of a changing world? The velocity at which everything now moves impacts us both personally and professionally. And with the rapid advances in technology on the horizon, it’s only set to move faster. Just keeping up is hard enough. So, how can we stay in front of the changes?

Larraine Segil presenting on ‘Proactive Directorship – guiding the board and company through play at casinobonuses.io a strategic critical inflection point ‘
At NACD Master Class in Laguna Beach ca for expert directors

In a special episode of Wealth Psychology, Emily Bouchard  speaks with a panel of accomplished, successful women in a frank conversation about the challenges and opportunities for women casino in Virginia sitting on a corporate board.

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Open Breakfast Event

Corporate Directors Forum Hosts Open Breakfast Event: Questions Boards Should Be Asking about Emerging Technology

In today’s businesses, demand for technology and data continues to increase, but technology’s growth is still outpacing the assessment, managing and monitoring of it. At its open breakfast event, Corporate Directors Forum is giving San Diego business leaders a chance to learn what questions boards and management should be asking about emerging technologies and how those technologies can be used to move their businesses forward in a constantly changing world. Panelists will share their points of view on how boards should be thinking about technology issues and will address the following topics:

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Larraine Segil CBA Speakers Bureau

Watch Larraine Segil at CBA Speakers Bureau

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Larraine Segil added to our 2020WOB Board of Leaders http://twitter.com/2020WOB/status/17678797226647552

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