Archive for 2007

Complete the Thought (Leaders)

Daily Now
August 12, 2007

Success is measured…
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Larraine’s Recent speaking Appearance at the ASAE & The Center for Association Leadership Annual Meeting Sunday August 12, 2007

“Thought Leader Super Sessions”

Back by popular demand! The Thought Leader Super Sessions are the highest rated new feature of the Annual Meeting!
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Thought Leaders

Daily Now
August 13, 2007

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SAMA 43rd Annual Conference

Keynote Speakers
Larraine Segil recently gave the keynote at the Strategic Account Management Association Annual Conference to Rave Reviews

Wednesday, May 9th

Closing the Value Gap
Enabling Customers and Suppliers to Design and Implement a Joint Gain Approach

Can the supplier/customer relationship can be morphed into one that excites and enriches both parties? Can it be transformed into an integrated dance of common interests with longevity and sustainability? The answer is ‘yes’, with effort and behavior change. In this keynote session, Larraine Segil will give clear steps that will change the way you interact with your customers and the way they think about you forever.

In this session, you will learn:

* What happens if the customer doesn’t consider you a critical supplier – but expects you to deliver on time what they ask for at their preferred price.
* What to do if the customer expects you to always exceed their expectations on quality and service, but at a lower and lower cost.
* What customers and suppliers can do differently to create joint gain.

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Brotherly Alliances, Engines of Growth

series No. 237 June 2007
by Howard Muson

One of the fastest, least capital-intensive ways for small-to-midsize companies to grow is to connect with a larger, more powerful partner or brand. But how do you find a ‘big brother’ you can trust?
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Larraine D. Segil

Larraine Segil captures audiences with her unique, personable and highly professional style. She speaks on the management tools that make the right stuff–Alliances, Leadership, E-business and Humor.

Most Requested Topics:

* Leading Knowledge Workers for the Millennium: Larraine will present the “Ten Qualities to Make Managers into Leaders” and the organizational characteristics to attract and support them. She has created a formula that will enable an organization to bridge the gap between yesterday’s leadership models, and the mandates of the new contemporary market-space. She will explain her approach using a simple methodology so that the audience can examine their own characteristics, corporate structure and culture, to determine how they can enhance leadership skills and increase knowledge capital.

* The Seven Trends That Are Changing the Way Business Works: Larraine presents the “Power of 7.” These trends are like the Walls of Jericho and provide entrance into a world of opportunity. They include: Global Security, Knowledge Transfer, Alliances, New Leadership and others. Like Joshua, persistence and determination to understand and excel in all 7 areas means that the walls will fall revealing the treasures inside–only the brave and focused will prevail.

* Strategic Alliances: Why do our alliances seem to start off well and then lose momentum? How can we ensure that every manager understands the risks and advantages in an alliance? Whose responsibility is the alliance? Does our company have the culture to create and manage valuable ongoing alliances? Sixty percent of all alliances fail at 3.5 years. In order to make them successful, alliance participants need a clear understanding of the success and failure factors covered in this presentation. The audience will leave with a set of tools that will allow them to create and add value to their roles in all kinds of alliances, whether between different divisions or functions of their company or externally with alliance partners.

* How to Create Global Competency in Your People–Managing Across Cultures: Larraine Segil has created a systems approach that will prepare participants for effective business management in any culture. Applied by companies such as Oracle and Dupont Agrichemical/Pioneer Hybrid This approach works no matter your job function–research and development, sales and marketing or senior management.

* Shift Your Mind Into a new Way of Looking at Alliances…Larraine Segil’s Mindshift Methodology™: Successfully managing an alliance or corporate partnership requires not only a strategic business justification, but also the compatibility of the corporate cultures of the alliance partners. Although appropriate planning, preparation, implementation, and change strategies are integral to the achievement of alliance success, the importance of the cultural elements between organizations is often underestimated.

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