Alliances With Rivals Increasing For MasterCard

In the pre-Internet days, companies rarely partnered with rivals. But in the post-Internet days, striking alliances with competitors has become a trend. Increasingly, competitors have become business partners rather than foes.
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Drucker Institute

Watch consultant Larraine Segil of Vantage Partners explain why strong leadership is essential to a successful alliance. Segil has established a scholarship fund to promote the study of strategic-alliance competency as part of a concurrent degree program between the Drucker School of Management and Southwestern Law School
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Directorship Magazine Quote

Larraine has been quoted in an article on Executive Compensation by the Directorship Magazine
Here’s the link Read the rest of this entry

Establishing Partnerships

by Matt Alderton

When Rob Basso started his business, he knew he was at a disadvantage. Smaller and less established than his competitors in the payroll services field, Basso lacked the capital, manpower and resources that the larger firms enjoyed. In order to level the playing field, he knew he had to creatively market and grow his business. To become immediately competitive, Basso decided to align his startup company with local accounting firms, 100 of which he now calls partners.
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Thought Leaders

Daily Now
August 13, 2007

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Brotherly Alliances, Engines of Growth

series No. 237 June 2007
by Howard Muson

One of the fastest, least capital-intensive ways for small-to-midsize companies to grow is to connect with a larger, more powerful partner or brand. But how do you find a ‘big brother’ you can trust?
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